If you or someone close to you was born in the month of August, then there are two particular gemstones that represent your birth month. The two gemstones that have been named the birthstones of August include both the Peridot gemstone and the Sardonyx gemstone. Each of these gemstones has certain characteristics that make them unique, valuable and beautiful. For an individual born in this month, it may be somewhat difficult to decide whether they would like to opt for jewelry containing the primary or the secondary birthstone of their birth month – since both of these stones are unique. Today, we want to provide an overview of these two stones to help you make that decision.
Peridot – The Primary Birthstone Of August
The primary birthstone associated with the month of August is the Peridot gemstone. The Peridot has been dated back to around 2,000 B.C. This gem was quite popular amongst the ancient Egyptians, and was first discovered on a volcanic island, which was located within the Red Sea. Today, this island is known as both St. John’s Island and Zabargad. These stones were embedded into the goblets of holy men in ancient Egyptian times, mostly due to the fact that the Peridot was associated with nature’s power. It is important to note that in many ancient scriptures, including ones from ancient Egypt, the Peridot was often confused with the Emerald, as well as the other way around.
The Peridot is known for its lime color and for its unique glow it expels. These gemstones are made from the mineral olivine, and is extremely rich in magnesium deposits. At one point in time, the Peridot gemstone was named the “Evening Emerald” since the gemstone tends to expel a bright green color when it is placed under direct light. These gemstones emerge to the surface of the Earth through volcanoes and, in some extremely rare occasions, they are also found in meteorite deposits. Many celebrities have been seen wearing jewelry fitted with Peridot gemstones – some examples include Angelina Jolie and Drew Barrymore.
Sardonyx – The Secondary Birthstone Of August
For those individuals who are not too prone on the Peridot gemstone, a secondary choice do exist. The secondary birthstone associated with the month of August is the Sardonyx, a gemstone that was first discovered in Sardis, a Persian city from ancient times. Today, this location is not known as Sardis anymore, but rather Turkey. The Sardonyx is a very unique gemstone – it exists of different layers. The layers of stone it is formed of include sard and onyx. Both sard and onyx are types of mineral chalcedony.
These gemstones usually possess a yellowish red color, but they can also be found in reddish brown colors. The specific color of a Sardonyx gemstone is caused by the iron oxide that is present within the gemstone. The layers of onyx and sard found in these stones can usually be identified due to white lines that are present on the stones. Sardonyx gemstones are usually associated with courage, happiness and strength. The most popular deposits of these gemstones are found in Uruguay, Germany, Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Madagascar and within the United States.
Two different gemstones have been selected to represent all people born in the month of August – Peridot and Sardonyx. With each of these gemstones offering unique features, an individual born in this month may not be sure as to which particular gemstone they would like to choose in order to represent their birth month. We have provided an overview of both the Peridot gemstone and the Sardonyx gemstone in this post to help you make that decision.